Category: Tech

  • Trees and Graphs

    Trees and Graphs

    Trees What Is a Tree? A tree is a data structure similar to a linked list. While in a linked list, each node can link to only one other node, in a tree, each node can link to multiple other nodes, which are called child nodes or just children. Additionally, a tree must satisfy the […]

  • Lists, Arrays and Strings

    Lists, Arrays and Strings

    Linked Lists What Is Linked List? A linked list is a data structure that stores elements, or nodes, in a linear order. Nodes in a linked list, have both data and only one pointer to the next node. They are called as singly linked lists. In some linked lists, nodes also have another pointer to […]

  • Time Complexity

    Time Complexity

    What Is Time Complexity? Time complexity, or Big O notation, is one way describing how the time it takes to execute your function grows as the size of the input increases. In other words, this is a simplified analysis of an algorithm’s efficiency; it is independent from the machine algorithms run on because it only […]